Markham is a city in the Regional Municipality of York, Ontario, Canada. It is approximately 30 km northeast of Downtown Toronto.It is the largest in York Region, fourth largest in the Greater Toronto Area. Expanding business base, motivated, highly educated and diverse workforce, By every measure, Canada’s high-tech capital – and 16th largest municipality – is thriving. Markham has the highest concentration of ICT employers per capita in Canada. Over 1,500 technology and life sciences companies are based in Markham.These two sectors alone employ 35,400 people – over one-fifth of the total workforce of 179,610.Markham is maintaining its economic momentum by following its 10-year economic strategy. In targeting specific growth sectors, the City continues to attract companies specializing in Information and communication technology ICT, life sciences, financial services, design and engineering, professional scientific services, and information and cultural industries. Here, businesses find skilled workers from around the world who are drawn to Markham for its exceptional quality of life.Internationally, the City’s profile has benefited from several economic alliances and a frequent exchange of business missions to and from Asia, the USA and Europe – reaching out to global markets to bring investment into Markham as well as opening doors for Markham-based businesses to expand